Surface Patching
Tire dimples, trip hazards, ponding areas, and settled existing patches all seem to show up at one point or another during a parking lot's lifetime. Removal of the pavement in most instances like this is unnecessary and can be costly. Our crews install a fine sand blend of hot mix asphalt on our surface patches. This mix is a blend of very fine aggregates, sand and oil that can help alleviate the smallest of surface imperfections.
Full Depth Removal and Replacement
Potholed, alligatored and failed asphalt pavement has limited maintenance options and often requires full depth removal and replacement of the asphalt pavement and possibly the base stone. Typical parking lots have 8-inches of base stone with 3" of asphalt. Our process of full depth replacement includes saw-cutting crisp edges, careful excavation, inspection and compaction of sub-grade, installation and compaction of stone and asphalt.
Mill and Pave
Milling or cold planing is the controlled partial depth removal of asphalt pavement. This process is completed utilizing a milling machine, which is a hydraulic powered rotary drum full of carbide teeth. The size of these machines range from as small as a 12" wide skidsteer attachment all the way up to a 12'-0" wide full lane highway milling machine. Milling allows for the removal of surface defects and imperfections prior to new asphalt surface placement, without complete removal of the existing pavement.